About Us
IEC Infrared Systems was founded in 1999 as a NASA Spinoff company by two microgravity combustion science researchers. At the National Center for Space Exploration Research, these two developed ways of measuring high-temperature flames for space flight experiments. But they envisioned earthbound applications for infrared imaging systems that could better distinguish different heat intensities. For example, firefighters could differentiate the thermal signatures of human from burning areas, even when darkness or smoke obscured vision.
Since the 1970s, NASA Spinoff companies have directly influenced daily life here on Earth. Among other innovations, NASA Spinoffs have introduced battery-powered tools, CMOS sensors used in digital cameras, memory foam, and scratch-resistant glasses.

IEC subsequently received a GATE (Glenn Alliance for Technology Exchange) award from NASA’s Glenn Research Center. Development and commercialization of infrared imaging innovations soon followed. This led to initial versions of the NightStalkIR EO/IR imager and IntrudIR Alert software. These and other IEC systems have been used worldwide to locate stranded personnel in emergency situations, to defend soldiers on overseas battlefields, and to protect high-value facilities.

In 2013, IEC combined with Precision Remotes LLC (PRL), a designer and manufacturer of ultra-lightweight remotely operated weapon stations (ROWS). PRL weapons systems protect nuclear power plants, USAF bases and military operations. PRL’s engineering and manufacturing were consolidated into IEC by the beginning of 2018. IEC’s facilities became ISO 9001 certified in 2020.

Today, IEC’s expanding product line includes thermal and visual imagers, positioners, and turnkey systems that incorporate a wide range of sensors and effectors. IEC designs and manufactures systems and components in-house. Our team includes engineers and scientists from every major discipline, including mechanical, electrical, optics, software design, and infrared spectroscopy.
The use of in-house engineering talent allows IEC to retain complete design control, to offer unique customizations, and to provide ongoing, high-quality support of any item that we sell. This is a major difference from integrators and re-sellers, who generally can support only what they sell at any given moment.
To discuss your infrared security system and thermal imaging needs, contact us today and let our team of engineers, designs, and security specialists help you meet your security objectives. See for yourself the difference that dealing directly with the engineering and design team can make.

Our People
Rick Pettegrew, Ph.D – General Manager & Contributing Author
Prior to founding and originating IEC Infrared Systems (IEC), Dr. Pettegrew began his engineering career as a visiting academic researcher at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio in the early 1990s, performing fundamental research in the fields of combustion science as well as scientific infrared imaging and diagnostics, and is the author or co-author of over 25 research papers and articles in these fields. In his capacity at NASA, Dr. Pettegrew had a direct role in numerous reduced-gravity flight experiments, including multiple experiments that flew aboard both NASA’s Reduced Gravity Aircraft and also aboard the International Space Station.

His experience in imaging systems and diagnostics led directly to the founding of IEC Infrared Systems in 1999 with focus on military and governmental surveillance applications. Since that time, IEC has grown to serve all branches of the Department of Defense as well as numerous other governmental agencies. The growth led to the successful sale of IEC in the summer of 2013 to Blackwing Holdings, LLC, a U.S. owned company based in Chicago. Dr. Pettegrew remains with IEC as its General Manager, operating Blackwing’s business units in Cleveland (both IEC and Precision Remotes, a sister company) and advising Blackwing and their other subsidiaries on technical matters in the surveillance and imaging fields.
Dr. Pettegrew has spent more than 23 years working directly in the thermal imaging and surveillance industry, and holds an earned doctorate in Mechanical Engineering (dissertation on infrared spectroscopy, a field related to thermal imaging). He also has an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a B.S. degree in Fluid and Thermal Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Pettegrew’s current responsibilities at IEC/PRL include strategic planning, managing product development and new business development, as well as certain technical responsibilities related to imaging system performance modeling, along with day to day business operations.
Dr. Pettegrew has made significant contributions to the development and advancement of long-range surveillance systems, particularly in the realm of infrared imaging. His profound understanding of diverse technologies, including thermal and visual imaging, radar systems, and unattended ground sensors, has propelled IEC to the forefront of the industry.