BattleStation T360
Command and Control
Security with Safety
BattleStation C2 is a combination of software and hardware to securely control a network of remotely operated weapon stations (ROWS). A typical configuration for critical facilities includes Supervisor station, two or more Operator stations, and two to four ROWS.
BattleStation meets or exceeds stringent regulations for weapons security and control in non-military applications. Among other requirements, these standards include:
- Physical and programmable “no-fire” zones
- Automatic reversion to a safe configuration upon any loss or power or communication
- Separate and independent commands to enable, arm, and fire any weapon
- On-screen indications of system and weapons real-time status
- Interlocks to prevent arming or firing without authorization
- Remote bore-sighting capability
- Emergency stop switches to remotely disable a weapon platform
- Local lockout for use during weapon station maintenance

Separation of Duties
With BattleStation, a supervisor may enable or disable weapons, but cannot fire them. An operator may arm and fire a weapon, but not without supervisor authorization. While operator can control any weapon, each weapon is controlled by only one operator at any given time.

Touch-Screen Ease of Use
Both operator and supervisor screens show the geo-location of every ROWS, with context-sensitive buttons to perform various functions, such as enabling a weapon station and switching between day and thermal cameras.
Once authorized, an operator takes control of a ROWS by touching its icon. Touching the top-down view at a location of interest will slew the active ROWS to that point.

Real-Time Status
BattleStation’s graphical user interface shows the real-time status of fire control and every weapon system, including ammunition levels.
For example, the four icons shown here indicate, from left to right:
- Green: ROWS #3 is fully operational and in “safe mode”, that is, not deployed or armed.
- Yellow: ROWS #3 is deployed but not yet armed, and it is controlled by Operator 1.
- Red: ROWS #3 is armed and, in this example, is firing. Approximately 60% of the ammunition remains, as shown by the green arc on the left edge.
- Blue: ROWS #3 has experienced a critical fault, such as a loss of power or network communication, and is not operational. Touching the icon will display more information about the fault or faults encountered.