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Desert Sky

Pan & Tilt Positioners

A Positioner for Every Task

IEC has established a reputation for reliable and durable pan and tilt positioners suitable for a broad range of markets and uses. Our positioners are designed to handle a wide variety of payloads including visual and infrared cameras, radar, night vision, and RF mitigation.

Well-developed and used extensively in difficult environments, our positioners are designed to provide years of trouble-free service with little or no maintenance.


WereWolf Positioners support side-load or top-load payloads, all attached to the positioner using an electromechanical tool-free BlindMate interface, meaning less cables to connect and easy payload attachment and removal.

With a capacity of 600 pounds (272 kg) and torque to match, the Werewolf positioner can pan and tilt even the largest camera sets at maximum speed.

IEC WereWolf Pan and Tilt Positioner
M8 WereWolf Positioner


The Wolf Positioner is smaller than the WereWolf, but offers the same rugged dependability. Tool-free payload attachment makes it easy to change payloads for maintenance or when upgrading.

The Wolf is great for mobile operations as well as tower-mount installations.

Wolf Positioner

M2 NightStalkIR

The NightStalkIR is a low-cost and reliable positioner with human detection up to 2 km.

NightStalkIR Positioner
NightStalkIR Positioner


The Recon series of Pan & Tilt Positioners are lightweight and portable making them easy to carry, install, and operate by a single operator or small team. Total system weight, including backpack and batteries, is under 38 lbs. (17 kg).

Recon R250 Positioner
Recon R250 Positioner
Recon R650 Positioner
Recon R650 Positioner