Raptor Long-Range Radar-Guided Ground Surveillance
Long-Distance Detection
A single Raptor surveillance system can surveil an area of over 450 square kilometers (175 square miles) by detecting human activity at distances of up to 12 km. Operators can detect vehicles at even greater distances, up to 20 km for cars and 32 km for trucks. Multiple targets can be tracked simultaneously.

Long isolated borders can be secured by a network of multiple Raptor systems. IEC software allows such networks to be monitored and controlled by a small crew working remotely. These systems have been fielded worldwide in a variety of U.S. and foreign government installations.

Sensors Matched to Requirements
After detecting a target, Raptor cues long-range thermal and visual cameras to the target’s geolocation, using built-in DTED (Digital Elevation Terrain Data). Camera aiming is controlled by either automatic slew-to-cue or manually by the operator using a panoramic point-and-click interface. A target’s location can be shared immediately with other connected systems, through middleware that is fully integrated into IntrudIR Alert.
Built-in heuristics are user configurable. This helps operators prioritize and decide which targets merit further scrutiny. Automated target tracking follows targets as they move through the surrounding landscape.
IntrudIR Alert’s bidirectional middleware ingests detection cues from other devices such as Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS) and fence vibration detectors. During installation and setup, Raptor can automatically locate and map blind spots caused by terrain variations. Security personnel then can assess the benefit of adding UGS or other sensors.
IEC’s large library of third-party sensors simplifies and speeds up their integration into a single, comprehensive operating picture. The IntrudIR Alert user interface allows each sensor or family of sensors to be configured, calibrated, and operated by a single operator at a single workstation.
Because the middleware is so flexible, IEC offers Raptor with a variety of different radar, thermal, and visual systems, each tailored to mission objectives, terrain, and environmental conditions. Sensor frequencies and detection ranges are among Raptor’s many customizable features.